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The Dar-ul-Islam Collection is a project that offers a compilation of photos, stories and blog entries that recount events of the Dar-ul-Islam movement as it took place between 1962 -1982. Otherwise known as the "Dar", it was one of the first and most significant grassroots movements established by African-American, orthodox (Sunni) Muslims in America. This website is dedicated to providing a look into one of several Islamic experiences during an important crossroad in Black history.
This story is told through the photos of my father, Khalil Abdul Khabir who's pieces are dramatic and artistic. They expose and illuminate his subjects in a manner fitting to their accomplishments. I decided to publish the collection not only for my own nostalgic reasons but, also because this is a history that is slowly disappearing and as a result, robbing the world of one more story in African American history. My hope is to share this beautiful collection as well as the story of how African-American orthodox Muslims impacted the establishment of Islam in America and to  provide a look into one of the many subcultures that thrived and contributed to the face of our nation.
As a work in progress, the project will add more photos that cover the documented Dar-ul-Islam history as it took place primarily in New York. The collection will also include brief historical accounts of other cities where the movement took root for the sake of illustrating it's expanse. My father and I also hope to preserve and offer a chronological story that shows the effect Islam had on a minority population and how their response changed cultural norms for American Muslims in the decades that followed.
John (Yahya) & Rashid
Pose for lighting test at Reflections Studio run by Dar members Khalil Abdulkhabir, Ishaq Malikulmulk and Abdullah Abdus Salam
Mother dropping off child at Madrassah daycare
Arrival of the printing press
Arrival of the printing press
Jawala Scouts camping trip
Wedding of Mahmoud and Karimah
Prison dawa program
Regional Sister's Shurah meeting
The Photographer
Photographer, Abdus Salaam shows off camera
Sisters in Brooklyn
Street Vendors
Muslim Student Association (MSA) Regional Meeting
Street Musicians
Dhabihah Meat
Dar members learned slaughtering methods which let to the establishment of one of New York City's first halal meat markets
Congresswoman, Shirley Chisholm visits Dar street vendors
Al Mujahideen Masjid, Philadelphia
One of over 30 masajid belonging to the Dar-ul-Islam Movement
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